Wednesday, September 28, 2011

365 Photos Day 271


This is probably one of the best things the Kid has ever found in the Target Dollar Spot aisle thing. This is not her...this is a family friend who found it as amusing as Amanda did.
I was looking at Halloween stuff when Amanda put this on her head in the store. It gave me a much needed laugh, and for $2.50, well, it just needed to come home with us. She was pretty sure she should wear it for her senior pictures. Or something.

The cats aren't sure what to think about it, especially since Amanda makes the turkey bob and peck them.

Amanda refuses to have me take a picture of it because she says I'll put it on the Internet. Well, YEAH. Duuu-uuuh. Julie, on the other hand, put it on and said, "You're going to upload these to Facebook, right?"

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