Wednesday, February 6, 2008

23 Things on a Stick Master List

23 Things on a Stick-Master List (if it's done, it's in green; if I'm working on it, it's orange; if I haven't started on it yet, it's black)
1. Set up own blog (Done 5 February 2008)
2. Read & Watch about Library 2.0; Web 2.0, and the future of libraries (Done 11 February 2008)
3. Learn about RSS (Done 8/27/2008)
4. Explore Flickr (Done 8/27/2008)
5. Fun with Flickr (Done 8/27/2008)
6. Online Image Generator (Done 8/31/2008)
7. Web 2.0 Communication tools (Done 9/2/2008)
8. Sharing slide decks, photos, or presentation slides
9. Collaborating online with Web 2.0 tools
10. Wikis & how libraries are using them (Done 9/4/2008)
11. Tagging and
12. Social Media Sites: Digg; Reddit, and others
13. Online Productivity Tool
14. LibraryThing (Done 7/25/08)
15. Libraries & Games: Online games
16. Assignment Calculator & Research Project Calculator
17. ELM Productivity Tools
18. Discover YouTube & other sites
19. Explore Podcasts
20. Social Networks: Facebook and MySpace
21. Other Social Networks
22. Staying Current: keeping up the skills
23. One Last Thing:evaluation

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