Wednesday, September 3, 2008

23 Things: Thing #8 Sharing Presentation Slides

This is a presentation that I did for a Cataloging class (LIS 703) Fall Term 2007. It is about LibraryThing. I originally put it together in Microsoft PowerPoint.

When I was in another class, we had to do a group project; one of the components for the final presentation was a PowerPoint presentation. This would have infinitely sped up the process! Collaborative work is the bane of my school career (I don't care what my professors say...I don't like my grade being dependent on someone else's work), and tools like this would make some of the process so much easier.

I used Slideshare, because of the options, it seemed the most straightforward to me.
There were a few hiccups-it took a bit to get my file uploaded, and the whole widget thing was iffy. I played around with the badges, but then decided that if that was on a blog I was looking at, it didn't catch my interest enough to actually click on it. I don't like the height of the column, but there were only 3 options listed. If I were more conversant in javascript, I might be able to tweak the widget to display the slide show marker like I would like it to be (but I'm not, so I won't).

Although our library doesn't do much with presentations on its own, the 4 county libraries do a presentation to the county commissioners once a year. The head librarians seem to have a whee of a time trying to get every library to send information. Then, once it's at a central spot, it still has to be integrated into the main presentation. This kind of tool would seriously cut down on all that-if information can be uploaded, edited, etc, in one central much easier would that be???

1 comment:

SAMMIE said...

Your Library Thing slide show is great!

Did you know Tim Spaulding will be at the MN Library Aassociation Conference in Bloomington, November 19-21?
