Wednesday, April 13, 2011

365 Photos Day 103


This is kind of a 2-for-1 picture today.

Monday was the Kid's Softball Season 2011 Opening Day. Well, it's Opening Day for us parents too. We have to make sure that we have our chairs, blankets, and umbrellas ready to go for the school ball season.

My chair is in the back of the car, my umbrella's in the closet, and the blankets are somewhere in a storage closet. So I'm good. Steve's chair finally gave out last fall, so he bought himself a new one this year. This is the Mack-Daddy of chairs, that's for sure. It has padding, a drink holder, a side flap with spots for a phone, sunglasses, and who knows what, AND a mini-cooler in the left arm. No, seriously. It's probably big enough for a couple of bottles or cans, and zips up. Amazing. Oh, and it has it's own carrying case ON WHEELS.

The 2nd part of the picture is Iz. She turned 11 months old yesterday, and is incapable of holding still for her picture to be taken. She still races around the house like her tail's on fire, because you know, what's the good of walking when she can RUN RUN RUN RUN from here to there.

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