Thursday, April 21, 2011

365 Photos Day 111


Some husbands bring home flowers. Mine, however, knows that although I think flowers are lovely, I'd much rather have something a little more practical.

When the hardware store here in town had their FINAL SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO last weekend, Steve brought me home this clamp. I was a bit perplexed as to why he'd bring me a clamp, but he said, "Well, I knew you have some projects that you want to work on this summer, and you'll probably need a clamp for some of them, so I got you this one." (All true. Also, he tends to disapprove of my, um, resourceful ways of getting things done. In this case, my normal "eh, it'll hold with rubberbands and string" method.)

He also said that he'd tried to get me a reciprocating saw, but that the friend he'd gone with had bought it before Steve had a chance to get it. Now, that, my friends, is true love...considering he adamantly refused to buy me one when we were in the old house. Something about being afraid of how many walls I'dve taken down (as many as it took to open things up a bit).

I'm really looking forward to Project Season 2011.

When/if the weather cooperates.

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