Wednesday, January 12, 2011

21 Days to Getting Organized Day 9

Day #9 ~ Getting Organized Challenge (Toy Organization)

Today, well, yesterday, was all about organizing toys. Well, my kid is 16, and her "toys" are of the electronic variety, which she tends to keep on her person at all times. So, that left MY office. Ooooohhhh boy. This challenge reminded me of having to clean my room as a kid. Except THIS time, I don't have a closet or a bed to stuff everything in or under. :)

I'd already cleaned off the top of my desk on Day 2. And it has stayed clean, which has been nice. But the rest of the office looked like, well, how about I just show you?

Before (starting at the door & going counter-clockwise):

YIKES! No wonder I always felt overwhelmed when I came in here!

Some of the clutter comes from the laundry room--this last fall, when I started re-doing it, I had moved all the storage out until it was done. Unfortunately, due to other circumstances, the laundry room won't be able to be done until this upcoming spring, so I just needed to find new places for the supplies.

Some of the clutter comes from my work. I'm a Librarian, and I bring books home with me to fix, or decide whether or not to add them to our collection.

On my 2011 project list is to re-do my office so that I can have a crafting area. At that point I will be able to have my supplies down here. Until then, however, they actually live upstairs in my Closet of Doom (which I'm hoping doesn't come up as a challenge until a weekend...).

Basically, my office just needed a good shovel-out. Which I did.

During: (I'm being helped by 2 of our cats. The orange one is Iz (short for Isabelle. She turned 8 months old yesterday). The grey stripy one is Kit Kat, who is really not sure about all this.

Dart came in for the (almost) final inspection:


The bag under the table is for Darty to hide out in away from the girls. I also washed his blankets for him, so they're all clean and warm for him. The table is still there so I can start working on the puzzle I got for Christmas, so I can knock off #98 on my 101 in 1001 (Round 2) list.

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